Keyboard Issues with 8.1 on Surface Pro
For anyone else testing the 8.1 preview on a Surface Pro, are you experiencing any problems with the on screen keyboard? I like the OS and would like to give it a fair test for future implementation but have found the on screen keyboard to be a mess. The essential problem is that unless I type very slowly, it regularly skips characters or inserts accented characters from the press and hold option.  What I am trying to decide is if this is an OS problem, or touch issue with the tablet. Feedback regarding other peoples' experience would help. BTW, this issue is worse when typing on webpages but can also crop up in other apps. An example is presented below.  I typed the same phrase multiple  times at varying speeds and these are the results.

This is a test. His is a ts. This is a tes. Hisi a test. This is a test. This is a test. this is a tes. This is a tes.  This is a test.  This is a test.  This is a tes.
July 1st, 2013 8:12pm

Does this happen when you type using keyboard too?

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July 2nd, 2013 1:58am

yes, The problem persist.

July 2nd, 2013 5:15am

Does this happen when you type using keyboard too?

I do not know what the second post is addressing but I am the OP. No, it is only when using the on screen keyboard.
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July 2nd, 2013 5:31am

yes, The problem persist.

If you mean yes, you have also observed the problem that is appreciated. The problem on my Surface Pro, however, does not persist with external keyboards.
July 2nd, 2013 5:34am

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