LAN cable issue or what???
Hi all. It's quite simple question for you. Let me describe I have D-LINK DSL-2640T Wireless Router + D-LINK DES-100SD Etrhernet Switch @ home. So 10 neighbours were connected to my modem & swith. + 5 Computers use wireless connection. So, today I "gave@ my last port @ ethernet swith to another neighbour, He bough LAN Cable (about 55 meters). And I wired hime to my network, But when I connected his computer (WinXpSp3) to my network, I got pop up message "Local Area Is Now Connected", So I joined his computer to my workgroup, and renamed his computer to PC owners name. Then I came @ home and scanned network (with Angry IP Scanner), and saw new PC. It was given an IP address After 5 minutes, I recieved a phone call from him, where he told that he has no internet. So what I did: pinged my gateway ( from his PC. Ping was unsuccessful Checked out Firewal. OK Check if they have network adapter... they had I asked my neighbour to give his laptop (it was also connected to my router through LAN cable). I took the computer to their home and connected it to the Internet from there. No internet, whereas other user were connected to internet.d So I see, that the problem in LAN cable... I just would like to know your opinions...
April 17th, 2011 5:51pm

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