LAN cable issue or what???
Hi all. It's quite simple question for you. Let me describe I have D-LINK DSL-2640T Wireless Router + D-LINK DES-100SD Etrhernet Switch @ home. So 10 neighbours were connected to my modem & swith. + 5 Computers use wireless connection. So, today I "gave@ my last port @ ethernet swith to another neighbour, He bough LAN Cable (about 55 meters). And I wired hime to my network, But when I connected his computer (WinXpSp3) to my network, I got pop up message "Local Area Is Now Connected", So I joined his computer to my workgroup, and renamed his computer to PC owners name. Then I came @ home and scanned network (with Angry IP Scanner), and saw new PC. It was given an IP address After 5 minutes, I recieved a phone call from him, where he told that he has no internet. So what I did: pinged my gateway ( from his PC. Ping was unsuccessful Checked out Firewal. OK Check if they have network adapter... they had I asked my neighbour to give his laptop (it was also connected to my router through LAN cable). I took the computer to their home and connected it to the Internet from there. No internet, whereas other user were connected to internet.d So I see, that the problem in LAN cable... I just would like to know your opinions...
April 17th, 2011 5:51pm

Hello, first of all disable all security softwares and try again. If this does not help, make sure that the NIC driver is well installed and use another cable. If the problem persists, please post the output of ipconfig /all > ip.txt Microsoft Student Partner Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator: Security Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer: Security Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuration This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
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April 17th, 2011 6:31pm

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