LYNC mobile access

i'm little bit confused about how to setup external client access
actually, the windows client externally works great.

but I cant access lync through mobile phones (even when Lync connectivity analayzer says :Your deployment meets the minimum requirements for Lync Windows Store App.)

I need your help with that, I'm wasting so much time to try to figure out what goes wrong.


here are my environment details:


Proxy+ Edge server (2010) same server - lyncedge.consto.local
Front end server (2013) - lync.consto.local

ports configuration:

because the proxy and edge server is in the same server - the proxy is binding to port 4433 and 8008 and redirect them to the front end server external ports (4443,8080) 

the external Front End address is "", and also the Edge server services (Access edge, web) address is ""- I did it cause I just wanted to save the certificates costs. 

February 21st, 2015 2:56am

Good afternoon,

You'll run into all sorts of issues attempting to collocate your reverse proxy and edge roles on the same server (hence it being an unsupported scenario). I'd advise leveraging a separate server / appliance for your reverse proxy requirements which will probably save you a significant amount of time. Failing that you would need to start looking at a number of logs and traces including the mobile client logs, IIS logs, and Front End(s).

You should separate the roles - it'd work, and it'd be supported.

Kind regards

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February 21st, 2015 8:55am

Hey, Thanks!

I did it earlier, the edge and proxy are different servers now.

but still, when I'm trying to reach 

I got 500- internal server error. where can I find what to debug? the IIS logs?

February 21st, 2015 9:12am

I assume that the is the external web services FQDN that hits on reverse proxy over port 443 and then reverse proxy in to the Front End server over 4443. Looks to me that it probably have something to do with the Reverse Proxy setup. What is the reverse Proxy that you use?. And just to confirm, do you have DNS record configured in public DNS

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February 21st, 2015 9:54am


No, I don't have Lyncdiscover external DNS record- just because i'm using manual configuration while testing the mobility function

I'm using ARR ISS reverse proxy with url rewrites 

February 21st, 2015 10:06am


Please also double check the certificate installed in the Reverse Proxy:

Check if you have added an HTTPS binding on the Default website in IIS using the UC SAN certificate.

Please also check if you set correctly for the Server Farm.

You can check the Reverse Proxy configuration with the help of the link below:

Best Regards,
Eason Huang

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 24th, 2015 4:22am

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