Limited IPv6 Connection with Local only IPv4
I've been having a very serious problem with my internet connection for several days now: I am operating a brand new Dell M1710 XPS system, with a PheeNet Router which has worked for many years now without incident. Without changing anything in my computers configuration, i was suddenly unable to connect to the internet, and upon running diagnostics and solutions, was given the message that my although my IPv4 was operational (giving me Local access to my network) My IPv6 was not. Interestingly, while using an Ethernet cable between my router and my computer, Internet connection is easily established; however, while using my in-built wireless reciever, i am unable to achieve a connection. Is there a way to solve this short of the tried and tested (and incredably time consuming) Format and re-install? Thanks, J
September 4th, 2007 11:45pm

Hey John,I know this thread has been quiet for quite awhile, but I'm having the exact same problem. I'm using an Acer Aspire 5100 and have had it for a year and a half now. There was a virus found on our network 3 weeks ago and our ISP disconnected our network. It has been reconnected and all computer cleaned as of a week ago, but I still can't get my laptop to make an Internet connection, although my brother's is fine. Did you manage to figure it out?Thanks,Alicia
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March 3rd, 2009 7:38pm

well i think u could juz use obtain automatically for ure ipv6 address and check whether ure apv4 subnet gateway is the same as ure wired ones and also look on ure dns server dats all folks
June 21st, 2009 11:21am

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