Live Mail Blocking Facebook
I am running Windows 7 on a HP a6245n with a beta build of McAfee for security. In showing a neighbor who is a new Facebook user how to send a "Friend" request I tried sending one to my Windows Live Mail account. The account has never been used for Facebook in any way. What I got was this message - "The following email address cannot be invited. The person may be on Facebook but have restricted privacy settings." I then tried to use my Outlook 2003 account only to get the same reply. That acount too has never been used for Facebook purposes. I then tried my two business accounts on the same computer - they worked fine foir the invites. Can anyone tell me why the first two accoubts blocked the requests? I am beginning to wonder what else thay may have blocked.
May 31st, 2009 2:29pm

Hi, Please understand that the issue is related to website, not email client. Windows Live Mail/Outlook only receives notification from Facebook. I am afraid you need to contact Facebook support to check it. Thanks.
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June 2nd, 2009 8:35am

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