Lock computer
I need to know how to lock my computer. I'm going threw divorce and my 15 year old son is reading all my documents from attorney. I still want him to be able to use computer but not see my files. HELP!1 person needs an answerI do too
February 1st, 2011 9:30am
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 14:10:30 +0000, woodburymn wrote:I need to know how to lock my computer. I'm going threw divorce and my 15 year old son is reading all my documents from attorney. I still want him to be able to use computer but not see my files. HELP!There are several approaches. I'll recommend one that should be veryeasy for you to use:Buy a usb thumb drive (they are not expensive) and put all the filesyou don't want to on it and delete them from the hard drive (includingthe recycle bin). Plug the thumb drive in when you want to use thefiles; remove it when you're done, and keep the thumb drive someplaceinaccessible to him.Make sure that the thumb drive is big enough for all the files now,with some room to add additional files.Ken Blake (MS MVP)
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February 1st, 2011 12:12pm
Another suggestion very similar to Ken's but without the thumb drive is to install the 3rd party freeware "Truecrypt" on your machine. With it you create a "container file" that you can double-click on and enter a password after which it will mount as another disk drive (just like inserting a thumb drive). When done, simply dismount the drive and it will no longer be accessible or readable until it is next mounted. I've used it for years and IMHO it ranks among the top-ten freewares around.Truecrypt: < http://www.truecrypt.org >HTH, JW
February 1st, 2011 3:42pm