Logon user Interface DLL masgina.dll failed to load????????
Hello, My name is Shelley, I really honestly no nothing about computers, and my home computer, which is a dell with windows xp pro. was working just fine, then 1 morning I got up and ithad a blue screen with the message on it. The Logon User Interface DLL msgina.dll failed to load. Contact your system administrator to replace the DLL or restore the original DLL. then it had a restart button to push. when I pushed the button it, Will show the Dell cover screen and then it showed the Microsoft Windows XP cover sreen, then it will go right back to the message telling me that. The logon user Interface DLL failed. Now, my computer has been sitting there for 2weeks and nobody can use it. Right now, I'm on my 17yrs school laptop. Do I need to take my computer into a shop or is this something simple, that maybe, I can do myself? OH, and just so you know, the computer is from my daughters school, They gave it to her, because she had really great grades and she's in the schools IB program, so they gave her a computer to have at home, It is set up for school use, I don't know if that matters or not. She got a new Laptop for X-mas. So now other people in the house are using the computer to play games and watch vidoes. Can anybody help me???? Thank You, Shelley1 person needs an answerI do too
January 26th, 2011 2:56pm

Hi,· Are you able to boot into safe mode?· Do you remember making any changes to the system? Method 1:If you are able to boot into safe mode then I would suggest you to do a system restore to a previous point when the system was working fine and check.Step 1:I would suggest you to boot into Safe mode and check whether the issue persists.a. Restart the system and keep tapping F8 till you reach the boot menu.b. Select Safe mode from the list and press Enter.Step 2:I would suggest you to do a system restore and check. Follow the steps mentioned in the article given below.How to restore Windows XP to a previous statehttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/306084 I would suggest you to refer the article given below."Logon User Interface DLL Msgina.dll failed to load" error message after you install the MS04-003 security updatehttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/836683 Thank you and Regards. Thahaseena MMicrosoft Answers Support Engineer.Visit ourMicrosoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
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January 27th, 2011 1:41am

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