Looking at services. What is SSCBSU? WJKJJo? Cannot find in search or microsoft.com.
Hi. I was looking in services.msc. I found something called SSCBSU. It is Manual and not started. What is this? What does it do? There is no description. I cannot find anything in yahoo search or in microsoft.com's front page search/bing search.What about WJKJJo? It is also Manual and not started. With no description. I have virused scanned, and Norton is always checking in the background. But maybe it could be something?Thank you.1 person needs an answerI do too
September 18th, 2010 9:46pm

I am running Win XP Mode via Windows 7 Home and I can't find either of the above mentioned entries in Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services. Furthermore, Neither google nor Bing seem to come up with any reasonable matches. Perhaps you have malware. Have you considered:Stopping the services? Renaming them to something else and putting them in a quarantine location of your own making?You probably want break anything if you take these files out...Are your Norton definitions up to date? Also, have you done of FULL Scan with Norton and waiting until it is completely finished. BTW: You might want to consider trying Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE). Beleive it or not, the *free* MSE might actually be?BETTER? than Nortonhttp://www.av-comparatives.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=144&Itemid=152Warning:Absolutely no warranty express or implied comes with this post. The poster will not be held liable for any physical, mental, emotional or financial loss that results from the use of suggestions or information contained in this post. Entities that follow the advise in this post do so at their own risk.
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September 18th, 2010 11:53pm

What is the "Path to executable" for the items (as shown in the Services Management Console)?John
September 19th, 2010 8:11am

It has to do with PC Wizard 2010.Please write a description if you make a program and it runs a service. It will help people like me. Thank you programmers. I always update my malware, its the first thing I do before I surf the web. I try MSE each month. I get rid of it after. Windows Defender is on too. I let Norton run background scans, I did ful system scan and nothing came up. I try to do a full scan once and a while. Thanks again.
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September 22nd, 2010 8:32am

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