Looking for Suggestions/Solutions to getting Network to work in Virtualbox
I have installed Windows7 in a Virtualbox under Apple's Intel iMac (Sun Virtualbox) and all is well, so it seems, with the exception of no internet connection. Windows is looking for a "wireless" connection, and I have "Airport" turned on, as well as an Ethernet Gigabyte connecting (wired) but neither is recognized.Does anyone have an idea of how to get a network connection working within this setup.By the way, I also have it installed as a dual boot with a Windows XP system. All is well there and Windows7 recognized all resources at first boot. So far, I'm impressed as the system boots in less than 50 seconds. Also the lack of UAC alerts (by default) is a welcome change from Vista.
January 17th, 2009 4:52am

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