Looking for a solution to improve my Windows XP performance
I want to ask the experts in Windows XP is there a way that I can track what cause the slowing down of my PC. I have Toshiba Satellite laptop with 2GB RAM, CPU Intel 1.6 GHz Dual Core but always after two or tree months of use my Win XP gets sluggish and whatever I do I can't improve its performance and I have to reinstall it. I have tried all the tweaks I have found on the internet and most of the programs for optimizing Win XP but without success. I've tried decrementing cleaning, disabling services, defragmenting RAM, defragmenting registry, malware scaning etc.I believe there is a reason for that my Win XP becomes so sluggish every time. I just want to know is there any way to manually or with some monitoring program to track down the exact reason why my Win Xp is slowing down its performance.It may be some service is causing that or some part of the registry, i don't know.I just want to know is it possible to find what is not normal when monitoring Win XP performance and this way to find what is causing the slow performance and fix it.I will very much appreciate if someone can help me with advice!Thanks!1 person got this answerI do too
November 24th, 2010 4:27pm

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