Lync Couldnt find a Lync Server for

We have a Lync server 2013 which is been joined to say example; and we have other domains like,,

So when users of all the domains can able to enable in the Lync control panel, but users from can able to login from anywhere by logging automatic configuration

But users from domin are unable to login with automatic configuration but can able to login by manual configuration by giving the

But when we are giving automatic configuration its says Cant sign in to Lync ( Lync couldnt find a Lync Server for might be an issue with the Domain Name System(DNS) configuration for your domain. Please contact your support team.


November 14th, 2014 7:35pm

Do al users use same SIP domain? Did you create SRV record for SIP domain?
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November 14th, 2014 8:38pm


As Tek stated, you'll need to ensure that you have defined additional SIP domains in your Lync environment for those users. In your example you'd need additional SIP domains for and in addition to the one you already have.

In addition to TechNet there are plenty of basic blog articles out there if you need assistance, such as

In addition make sure you have prepared these domains for Lync using the "enable-csaddomain" cmdlet.

Providing they're all part of the same forest, you won't have any problems.

Kind regards

November 15th, 2014 12:08pm

I have fixed this just we need to add A records and SRV record of all the domains in the setup
  • Marked as answer by KASINADH Tuesday, January 27, 2015 5:08 PM
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January 27th, 2015 8:08pm

Now i had another problem when we are logging externally with the meet url we can able to login internally and externally and able to do video and audio chat but when sharing the desktop it saying different errors just saying to rejoin and some times service  is not running could you please suggest
January 27th, 2015 8:13pm

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