Lync calls being forwarded to iPhone

A small number of users (~5/2500), that have the iPhone Lync 2013 Mobile Client (Version 5.7) installed on their iPhone receive an iPhone call from the number that is calling their work phone if the call is not picked up on their work phone or Lync 2013 Application on their computer, within ~20 seconds of ringing. 

 - (Expected Behavior) If the iPhone Lync Application is actively open or open in the background and logged into; and a call is placed to the users Work phone number, theyll instantaneously receives a Lync call on their iPhone through the Lync Application.

 - (Expected Behavior) If the iPhone Lync Application is open and NOT signed into or closed and NOT signed into; and a call is placed to the users Work phone number, their cell phone will not ring at all.

 - (Unexpected Behavior) If the iPhone Lync Application is closed and the user has not formally signed out of the Lync Application; and a call is placed to the users Work phone number. She will receive an iPhone call after 17-21 seconds. The call will route through her iPhone "Phone" application and is answerable.

Our Lync server reflects the logging in/out of the users iPhone Lync App appropriately.

I verified that call forwarding was completely off on both, the users local Lync Application on their computer and the iPhone Application.

I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the Lync Application on her iPhone.

I verified that all settings were identical to my iPhone Lync Application (which is working properly).

I have tried removing all traces of her cell phone number from her Computer's Lync Account, Active Directory, and Outlook Web Applications Phone Settings tab.

I tried to sign in/out multiple times while over both WiFi and 4G.

I tried completely shutting down the Lync Application on her computer and taking it off the network, and placing a call to her work number, the call still routed to her phone after 20 seconds.

I played with changing the call forwarding setting on the computers local Lync Application from "Unanswered calls will go to: Voice Mail in 20 seconds" to 5 seconds and 60 seconds. When changing it to 5 seconds the iPhone never got the chance to ring because the Voicemail kicked in after 5 seconds. When at 60, her iPhone still began ringing at ~20 seconds and continued to ring until the 60 seconds was up and the voice mail kicked in.

Does anyone have suggestions on what to test/try next?

Thanks, Dan

  • Edited by DanOBrien Friday, April 17, 2015 5:43 PM adding detail
April 17th, 2015 3:16pm

Thanks for the replies. I'll get a hold of a user and test both of your suggestions. 
  • Edited by DanOBrien Friday, April 17, 2015 7:13 PM
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April 17th, 2015 6:33pm

Hi Richard,

I spoke with a colleague of mine and we were curious what you had to do to "hack the database". Was it only SQL statements/queries, what tables did you have to edit, etc. We believe that what you explained is what is happening in our cases, however uninstalling/re-installing the Lync client did not do the trick, and it has been longer than 21 days for our users too. If you can recall please let me know what you edited on the server.

Thanks in advance,


  • Edited by DanOBrien Friday, April 24, 2015 8:30 PM
April 24th, 2015 8:21pm

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