MDT - Task Sequence unattend.xml ignores locale in CustomSettings.ini

I'm setting up a reference image build. In my deployment share CustomSettings.ini (rules) I have UserLocale=en-GB, as well as the various other UK-based locale settings (timezone, etc). I refreshed my deployment share, created a new task sequence, no special options. But when I look at the unattend.xml in the task sequence it shows en-US, the US keyboard, and Pacific Standard Time.

Why doesn't the task sequence pick up my locale configuration? Do I really need to manually edit the unattend.xml file for every task sequence I write?


December 4th, 2014 5:30pm

Hi Paul,

Instead of refreshing the deployment share,have you tried to update it to have a check?

Best regards

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December 5th, 2014 5:39am

Sorry, when I said refresh, I meant "update" - as in, I selected the right click menu item "Update Deployment Share". My apologies.
December 5th, 2014 9:12am

Hi Paul ,

The unattend.xml will not be corresponding to the CustomSetings.ini. It is a normal symptom. Because the priority of the CustomSetings.ini is higher than the unattend.xml during the deployment.

I have made a test and the settings in the CustomSetings.ini shown as below:






TimeZoneName=GMT Standard Time

I made a CustomSetings.ini only including the local settings except the default settings, create a new task sequence ,update the deployment share and then check the CustomSetings.ini settings and the settings in the unattend.xml. They are not corresponding with each other. Regarding this ,I performed the deployment to confirm whats the root cause.

During the deployment process, the settings in the CustomSetings.ini will be deployed first and the settings will be updated when it goes to the same settings in the unattend.xml.

Here is the deployment result log for reference:

Here is a link about the priority of the Unattended.xml, CustomSettings.ini, Task Sequence for reference:

MDT Unattended.xml, CustomSettings.ini, Task Sequence Variable, which setting takes precedence over which setting?

NOTE: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.

Here is another link of testing the customsettings.ini.

Quick and Dirty Testing customsettings.ini variables in MDT

NOTE: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.

Best regards

  • Edited by MeipoXu Tuesday, December 09, 2014 6:35 AM
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December 9th, 2014 9:34am

(Sorry it took me a while to get back to this).

Thanks for the explanation. But I'm still puzzled - the link you posted says "CustomSettings.ini goes above Unattended.xml" for priority, but you say that Unattended.xml gets applied after CustomSettings.ini and so will override it.

In any case, in my scenario I set CustomSettings.ini but didn't manually create or edit the Unattended.xml, so there should be no priority issues as I only set one place. And yet, I don't get the UK locale settings that I asked for.

So although I've learned some more details, I'm not much closer to my goal, which is to set up a deployment that will install a UK-configured OS on my test VMs :-(

December 15th, 2014 2:31pm

Hi Paul,

In any case, in my scenario I set CustomSettings.ini but didn't manually create or edit the Unattended.xml, so there should be no priority issues as I only set one place.

In my experience, the Unattended.xml and the CustomSettings.ini are separate. When you update the task sequence ,you will get them. And the locale settings in Unattended.xml is set to EN-US as default. During the deployment process, if you have configured the locale settings in the CustomSettings.ini ,it will override the settings in the Unattended.xml.

And yet, I don't get the UK locale settings that I asked for.

Do you mean you have deployed the settings but the destination machine didn`t get the UK locale settings ?

If it is ,please check the deployment logs in this path : %WINDIR%\TEMP\DeploymentLogs

Best regards

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December 19th, 2014 1:02am

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