Malware removal steps

is there any effective measures to keep Windows safe against malware? although I got to know abt manual steps over here.

Can anyone share their views. Thanx

  • Edited by smithbush 12 hours 26 minutes ago
April 15th, 2015 2:54pm

Nothing is 100% effective, but to "keep Windows safe against malware" the basics are

- Keep Windows up to date with the latest security updates

- Keep Antmalware software up to date with the latest definition/signature files

- Keep third party apps (especially items that get installed into the web browser like Java and Adobe Flash) up to date or remove them if they are not actually being used.

For removing malware infections, it's better if you're able to attach to a system when it's "offline", meaning that the operating system is not active, and the malware is not able to restrict what you can do and see.

Microsoft offers a tool called Windows Defender Offline that assists you in creating bootable media that you can use to scan for and remove malware from an offline system:

For some more advanced info, I recommend you look for materials from Mark Russinovich and learn how he uses his Sysinternals tools to investigate malware. Here are a few examples:

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 15th, 2015 3:34pm

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