Mapped Drives
Hi, So, we have always used login scripts for mapped drives. In XP even when the user logs on when not connected to the network the drives remain in place in My computer showing as disconnected. Now in, Windows 7, this does not happen, my computer is empty if they l;og ion form home etc, so when they connect to VPN, they still dont have them and need to use shortcuts on desktop etc. I have also tried using Group Policy but I get the same result. Has anyone managed to get around this and force the drives to stay there, if they log in when connected to the network or not. Cheers
April 16th, 2013 6:33am

When you are mapping the drives are you setting them to persistent? If not, try this command: net use Z: \\Servername\Sharename /persistent:yes I believe that will force the drives to show even if they are disconnected.
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April 16th, 2013 11:14am

When you are mapping the drives are you setting them to persistent? If not, try this command: net use Z: \\Servername\Sharename /persistent:yes I believe that will force the drives to show even if they are disconnected.
April 16th, 2013 6:11pm

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