Media Center and the desktop Gadgets in Windows 7
I noticed something in windows 7 the Gadgets on the desktop when running put alot of activity or noise on the network. This according to the Windows Media Center Network Tuner it puts so much noise that videos won't play on the xbox360 extender. I found a quick fix though by going in to the task manager and started knocking things off (end process) till the graph in the media center network tuner stablized or the line showed peak network. this issuehas tobe fixed though I'm not going to keep going into the task manager to close processes that maybe needed when I'm done with media center.The GadgetsNetworking behavior also affects xbox 360 online gaming just like the Media center shows the Gadgets put enough traffic or bandwidth use on my network that is un acceptable for gaming on the xbox 360. The Processes I wound up ending task on were Windows Live Messenger and the SideBar aka (Gadgets) Posted By Mikro
May 16th, 2009 5:48pm

I blamed the gadgets but after following Media center Network performance tester suggesting I start knocking off apps that use the internet I opened task manager and started end task on everything then I opened the resource monitor in win 7 looked at the network turns out ehhost eh networkserv and 4 others running while got Media extender on my 360 running are activity running. Well duh they have to. I shut them down and yep the network cleaned up and then Media center closed windows 7 sent error report.I was just following instructions to improve my network performance and it turns out eh (media center) services are the cause of the network performace issuePosted By Mikro
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May 17th, 2009 5:46pm

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