Messed up admin privileges? 64-bit
I didn't encounter this on the 32-bit version. I have also run into this on Vista and it was an incessant problem that frequently had me running back to XP.Using Firefox, I can't save any items to locations on another hard drive. I am told that I don't have permission to save the file there and asks me if I want to save it to my Public Documents instead.Also, when I try to rename the primary hard drive, I am told that I will need admin privileges (though the drive is renamed anyway). Same thing with trying to delete or rename certain folders etc.So what the heck? I'm definitely an admin, I'm the only account on this machine. My UAC settings are set to second lowest (only notify on change of system files, I believe). I had really hoped this issue was dealt with for good in Win7.
January 12th, 2009 9:30pm

I had the same problem when I first installed Vista.You need to change the permissions on your drives.
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January 12th, 2009 9:52pm

I set all drives to full access to everyone as well as setting myself as the owner.I haven't turned UAC off altogether, I am the only account on the machine, and for some reasons applications can't save files to anywhere on my secondary HDD.Is this security specific to 64-bit? I never had this problem on 32-bit Build 6956.
January 14th, 2009 7:05pm

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