Metaverse/Provisioning rule enable, disable

We use MIIS for galsync.

If we enable/disable Metaverse Rule extension, Provisioning Rule extension,

what will happen ?

What is the difference if we enable/disable those rule ?

July 5th, 2013 1:32am

If you disable these rules  your MIIS will not create\delete any objects so no new objects or removal of exisiting one
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July 5th, 2013 3:51am

Thank you.

How about only enabling/disabling Metaverse Rule ,

and  how about  only enabling/disabling Provisioning Rule ?

We are try  to migrate from MIIS to FIM.

The procedure is like the below.

1 full import stage only of all GALMA to FIM.

2 didable Provisioning Rule and full sync all GALMA of FIM.

3 It looks  import attribute flow which use rule extension does not work (TargetaddressMapping etc, ) and looks some of existing contact failed to join(some of existing contact succeeded to join).

 I am not sure but it might be because tagetaddress or other MV attributes are missing because of disabling Provisioning Rule .

July 5th, 2013 6:49am

Metaverse extension can implement more interfaces than Provision only - disabling provisioning rules means that Provision will not be called but interface to determine if object should be deleted from MV still can be called. Disabling rule extension completly disables both.

Join and attribute flows are implemented separately and are not affected by this setting. 

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July 5th, 2013 7:41am

Thank you.

It might be my misunderstanding. I will make sure later.

>Join and attribute flows are implemented separately and are not affected by this setting. 

Do you mean Join and attribute flow rules are implemented in GALMA or ADMA or each MA's extension rule ?
July 7th, 2013 3:59am

anything specified in the PROVISIONING section (see below) within the Rules Extension DLL defined in the Metaverse will be ENABLED/DISABLED

    Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision

    End Sub

In that section you can configure the provisioning of objects (= creation of new objects in the connector space(s)) and the disconnection of objects (disconnection of objects in (specific) connector spaces from the metaverse object)

Two common reasons exist to DISABLE provisioning:

(1) initial load of data

(2) disaster recovery (which is somewhat similar, if not the same, to initial load of data)

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July 8th, 2013 2:30am

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