Mother May I set my clock?
How much extra in extortion do I have to pay to Microsoft to be able to synch my clock in Win 7 Home Premium x32 on this Dell laptop I just paid $1,000.00 for? There is no Group Policy in Home Premium to disable the disabling of Admin Priv. Message I get is "Adjustment Failed. User does not have Aminiistrator priveleges - request to adjust the clock not accepted." And they wonder why we the sheeple hate Microsoft.
September 26th, 2010 9:15am

I found the answer. You have to use the Command Prompt Start --> Accessories --> Right click on Command Prompt -- Run As Administrator Then type the following string which meets your needs: To enable the Windows 7 administrator account: net user administrator /active:yes To disable the Windows 7 administrator account: net user administrator /active:no To change the password of the Windows 7 administrator account: Net user administrator password
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 26th, 2010 9:41am

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