Mouse Pointer Option Does Not Work In Win 7 RC. Why?
I cannot get the mouse pointer option "automatically move pointer to default button" to function. I have always used this function in XP, but checking this box under "Pointer Options" does nothing. Is this a Windows 7 bug?
August 23rd, 2009 10:45am

Update your mouse driver and re-enable this feature, try to use another mouse and check for this issue. I think it is your mouse software problem, not an OS bug.This feature works mainly for a system dialogs. My English is not very well.
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August 23rd, 2009 11:45am

I have just tested it on my system and it works for some dialogues.Try opening windows dvd maker and click on file. Click on new project file and the pointer should be placed on the"OK" button.
August 23rd, 2009 11:49am

Perhaps I should clarify a bit. I am using Win 7 on a Gateway notebook. The "automatically move pointer to default button" always worked in Win XP Pro. Now it doesn't work at all even though the box is checked.
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August 24th, 2009 8:05pm

Hi, Thanks for posting in Microsoft TechNet Forum. Just like sick_ said this feature works mainly for system dialogs, you'd better check system dialogs to see if it works. If it doesn't work, please look into the following registries and make sure they are set correctly. 1. Check SnapToDefaultButton in the location: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Mouse Verify the value is set 0. 2. Check SnapToDefaultButton in the location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\win.ini\Windows Verify the value="#USR:Control Panel\Mouse" Best Regards. Dale Qiao
August 25th, 2009 10:02am

Hello,I checked the registry and the value was not set to 0. It was set to 1. I changed it to 0, but the function still does not work like it did in XP. When I checked the box "automatically move the mouse pointer to the default button" in XP Pro, it automatically moved the pointer to the SAVE button when saving documents, photos, etc. Why was this feature changed to only work in system dialogs in Windows 7? I was perfectly happy with the way it worked in XP, but it no longer works in Windows 7 where it once worked in XP Pro.Kim
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August 27th, 2009 6:58am

Hi KimWhat type of pointing device are you using. If it is anything besides a generic mouse, such as a wireless device or custom pointing device, the drivers could be the problem.If it is some type of custom pointing device, try plugging a generic mouse into the computer and test to see if it works.Regards,Thank You for testing Windows 7 Ronnie Vernon MVP
August 27th, 2009 7:28am

As it says in my above post, I am using a fairly new Gateway notebook. No mouse or wireless pointing device. The Synaptics drivers are up to date. Everything is the same except the operating system. It worked in Windows XP Pro, it does NOT work in Windows 7. The pointer ALWAYS went to the "Save" button in ANY box that applied to saving something in XP Pro. Now it doesn't. I cannot explain it any simpler than that. Are you really a Windows Tech person? Did you even read the above posts before replying to my post, because it does not seem so?
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August 28th, 2009 5:49am

Perhaps I should clarify a bit. I am using Win 7 on a Gateway notebook. The "automatically move pointer to default button" always worked in Win XP Pro. Now it doesn't work at all even though the box is checked. When it worked with XP, may I assume this was on the same Gateway notebook?
August 28th, 2009 6:00am

Everything is the same. Same notebook, same ram, same hard drive, same UPS, and same power company. As I have already stated... the only thing different is the operating system. In Windows 7, the pointer no longer automatically goes to the "SAVE" button. It does not matter what I am saving. Document, photo, MP3 file. It does not work anymore. It ALWAYS worked in Windows XP Pro. You know, I truly appreciate that you guys are trying to help, but I am getting really annoyed thatno one thereseems to comprehend what I am complaining about. I really could care less about the function working or not working in other dialog boxes. It ALWAYS worked on the "Save" button in XP Pro, now it doesn't in Windows7,and it is slowing me down considerably when working on huge numbers offiles.
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August 28th, 2009 6:14am

This may be unique to your system. I have just tested this by opening notepad, entering a few characters and selecting save.My pointer was automatically placed on the save button just as with XP Pro.As sick_ advised, it is probably a driver issue. Also please try plugging in a generic mouse as previously suggested.
August 28th, 2009 6:29am

Kim, these guys are idiots. Don't waste their time. It has nothing to do with your mouse or driver issues directly. You can prove this by installing the (exact copy your having this trouble with) OS on any other computer and it will have the same problem. This is process of elimination at work for you. What does this tell you, what's the common denominator? Could it be the OS?????????? Maybe.
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February 12th, 2010 1:14am

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