Mouse freeze
My USB mouse freezes. When it stops, the light goes out. To get it to work again, I must unplug it. It works fine after plugging it in again. It doesn't matter which USB port I use. Now the odd part: With Windows XP, it freezes about 20-30 times per hour. With Windows 7, it freezes maybe once, or twice at the very most, in an hour. Also, with Windows 7 it freezes for a split second and then resumes working normally. This "self-fixing freeze" happens about every twenty minutes. XP doesn't "self-fix." I think my hardware is at fault. The problem appears with a fresh operating system install as well. "Known to be good" backups don't fix the issue. The USB keyboard continues to work normally. As well, I can use Remote Desktop and check my devices. The mouse shows a warning and "Error 43." Is there something in Windows 7 that makes it fix itself? Cheers, PW. P.S. It's a Dell Insp530. The LED on the motherboard's yellow. It should be green. This doesn't look good.
September 11th, 2009 5:10pm

Hi, According to the description, the issue should be a hardware problem. Please understand that hardware problem cannot be resolved on software's side. It's recommended to contact mouse manufacturer to repair it. Thank you for your understanding.
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September 14th, 2009 6:16am

I have been having this exact same problem with Windows XP. It is definitely NOT a hardware problem. I replaced my track ball that originally started having the problem with a standard mouse, I replaced my keyboard with a standard Dell USB keyboard, Dell replaced my motherboard, my hard drive was first reimaged and now has been swapped out with another one as has the RAM. Not much hardware left to try.....
October 7th, 2009 9:36pm

Maybe you don't have a hardware problem, but I sure did. I replaced the case, fans, motherboard, both disks, 3 mice, power supply and keyboard. Mouse still froze. With nothing left to change other than monitor, memory and CPU, (and both passed every diagnostic I could throw at it) I gave up and ordered a new computer. Turns out that my Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) was at fault. It "talks" with my computer through a USB cable, telling it to shut down when the lights go out. After disconnecting the UPS, my system has not had ANY mouse freezes in over a week. I'm returning the new computer. Cheers, PW. P.S. I'm still steamed about Windows reporting "Error 43" for the mouse driver. Without this misleading feedback, I may have found the guilty UPS earlier. P.P.S. Windows 7 was far more resistant to this problem than XP. P.P.P.S. And thank-you to everyone who tried to help.
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October 8th, 2009 12:59am

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