Multiple Outbound Sync Rules on same Agent

We've been using multiple outbound sync rules from one MV Object to provision multiple AD Accounts (of different types, with different DNs and AccountNames).

This has suddenly stopped working. We've gone over changes made and found none that should affect the provisioning.

Now, only one user account is provisioned in ADMA. We only get one provisioning-rules on the ADMA.

We use the same Relationship on the two Sync Rules, but different Inbound Scoping.

Any ideas?

February 6th, 2015 5:30pm

I.e. what we are trying to accomplish is to provision several AD User accounts from one object in the MV.

This has been possible, and should be possible, using several Sync Rules. Shouldn't it?

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February 9th, 2015 7:36am

We have now resolved this.

The solution was to not only use Inbound scoping, but also include the additional scoping attribute in the Relationship. So now we can provision, e.g., multiple AD accounts from one identity again.

February 11th, 2015 10:18am

We have now resolved this.

The solution was to not only use Inbound scoping, but also include the additional scoping attribute in the Relationship. So now we can provision, e.g., multiple AD accounts from one identity again.

  • Marked as answer by Leo Erlandsson Wednesday, February 11, 2015 3:14 PM
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February 11th, 2015 6:13pm

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