Multiple pppoe connections possible simultaniously ?
Hi there Please forgive me if this question has been answered before, by I've searched for an hour now and so now I'll ask :) I live in South Africa, where we have a very peculiar ADSL setup. You get 3Gb international bandwidth per month, and 30Gb that you can spen on local sites and downloads. As you can imagine this become extremely aggrovating as 3Gb flows through my line in just about a week. Now in XP, we've come up with a solution called Route Sentry, which uses the RASPPPOE protocol, to allow the connecting of multiple connections from one machine. Thus the program routes international traffic through you international account and local the other way. This way we save a LOT of bandwidth that would otherwise just be deducted from you package as a whole. Now like millions of people around the world I am head over heals in love with Windows 7, but the RASPPPOE protocol, and Win7 dont see eye to eye. To such an extent that when trying to install it Windows makes my screen that ugly blue we all know about. Now within the RASPPPOE protocol you have the option to select the number of concurrent connections you wish to run, and then through RASPPPOE you then create the connetions. After which in the Route Sentry program you simply select which connection to use for international, and which one for local. I've tried and failed many times and from many different agles. So if anyone out there knows of a way to have multiple connections dialing, I would be very gratefull The protocol allowing the multiple connections. The connection routing application. If I've left anything out, just smack me with something and I'll remember. Thanks in advance MaXx
August 16th, 2009 5:47pm

bump ?
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August 17th, 2009 7:05pm

Hi, Windows 7 supports Multihomed computer, we do not need to install RASPPPOE. I have accessed the website of Route Sentry your provided, and found that it works through changing the routing table. The following articles has explained the Default Gateway and routing table in Multihomed Computers Default Gateway Configuration for Multihomed Computers The IP routing table: TCP/IP I assume that in Windows XP, you cannot use the 3GB connection and the 30GB connection at the same time. Route Sentry just help you to switch the connections. Is it correct? If so, we could manually change the routing table. We only need to configure the Default Gateway. The following commands are useful. route add route delete For example, when you connect to the 3GB network, run the following commands. route delete [IP address of the Gateway of the 30GB connection] route add mask [IP address of the Gateway of the 3GB connection] When you connect to the 30GB network, run the following commands. route delete [IP address of the Gateway of the 3GB connection] route add mask [IP address of the Gateway of the 30GB connection] You may make two batch files. When related action is needed just run the batch file to realize it. Please note that the batch files need to run as administrator. Regarding how to configure route table with the command "route", please refer the following website. Route Arthur Xie - MSFT
August 19th, 2009 9:48am

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