Must of time my computer says you must be logged in as an administrator to do that to do this
Hi! i am Shraddha. My problem is about users account. I am administrator of my own laptop, right but my laptop says i am not. It says i am domain users. My laptop is from hp company and is windows-7. Now i would like to begin my problem" I bought my laptop recently. I setup everything there and it was working very nicely and i was happy that i could choose such good laptop but after some month suddenly some changes happened. Then whenever i tried to install some program i could not install. and i clicked on troubleshoot the problem it said then it said you are not administrator and says you are working as domain. Well guys to be honest i do not really really know about these computer and laptops stuffs. So i need your help. I really hope my problem to be resolved. Whenever i clicked on properties it says you must be logged in as an administrator to do that. Well i am administrator if i am not who is? Some weird question come in my mind like did somebody hack my laptop? or if i am not administrator then who is? I am not a person who thinks a lot but this situation made me think. Guys i a really bought this laptop in lot of money and do not want to loose it in few months of purchasing. Guys you may before had faced the same situation and had overcome your problem so please please please please help me fix my computer. It really cost me a lot so please help me.
May 1st, 2010 6:30am

Guys , if you have a solution for this please reply to me or contact to me in my e-mail address though if you don't know your any solutions you can share your views or ideas with me. I would me heartily thankful and appreciate for your help. You may even consult with your friend. again i would like to repeat above i have given my e-mail address you can send me your views ideas or reply my post. :) ^-^
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 1st, 2010 6:40am

Hi, Welcome. >"... I bought my laptop recently." I would suggest you to contact the laptop manufacturer help and support team as the main choice to solve this issue. You can find technical domain users accounts topics at MSDN library: Rgds. itconcerned
May 1st, 2010 9:20am

Hi, Does the issue occur when installing certain program or each program? If it only occurs on certain program, please post the program name here for research. First, please type “Sysdm.cpl” (without the quotation) in Search box and press Enter. In Computer Name tab, please check whether the computer is in a domain or a Workgroup. If it is in a domain, please leave the domain or contact the domain administrator. Meanwhile, I suggest you right click the program and select “Run as administrator” option. Can the program be installed now? If the issue persists, please refer to the following article to enable the built-in Administrator account. Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows 7 or Vista Note: The third-party product discussed here is manufactured by a company that is independent of Microsoft. We make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability. Thanks, Novak
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 7th, 2010 6:22am

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