My internet suddenly went out, with no error messages! Please help!
I have not been using my pc for many months, due to several issues I was having with it, including a full hard drive. I recently replaced the drive with a much bigger one, and copied (cloned) my older drive onto the new one. For a while this worked perfectly! I could access everything again, fix the other issues I had, and perform many much needed updates. However this is when my trouble started! Recently, my internet stopped working on my pc. There was no warning, no errors, no anything. Browsers (all 3) stopped accessing websites. It is not limited to browsers, games and updates also won't connect. Last thing I did was update windows and added IE8 which also added the Google toolbar. The toolbar caused major problems and slowed down my computer, so I just deleted both the toolbar and IE8, but before I deleted anything, my internet had stopped working. I'm not sure if it was related to these or not, cause I also updated PC Tools Antivirus and SpyBot. I tried to test the physical connection, and any other computer hooked up to the ethernet cable works fine, it seems to only be this one that won't work. I tried to run cmd and ipconfig /all, and even ping ping failed with no return, and yet ipconfig shows that I have an IP address. The computer thinks I am online, it says it is sending packets and that the connection is fine, but it has not received any packets and cannot access anything. Last thing I tried was running IE which told me to run a diagnostic tool. This told me a PC TOOLS LSP was running into an error. It asked if it was ok to remove it, so I did, and my computer would not turn on anymore, NOT EVEN IN SAFE MODE! BUT, I managed to get it to turn on if I used the "last setting that worked" mode. But I am back at square one again. What can I do to get my internet working again?? 1 person needs an answerI do too
November 8th, 2009 8:55am

I still need help with this. I just ran dskchk /r and it didn't help. I have no internet still, but it still tells me in ipconfig that it does, yet ping fails! WHat do I do??
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November 8th, 2009 5:57pm

Difficult to know were to start, particularly if you "cloned a drive that had many issues"I suspect that your pc may be infected with malaware / spyware IE update doesnt install google or any other toolbar unless you allready have it installedMany programs install the google or Yahootoolbar by default unless you use custom install and carefully read what they are going to install.PCTools is a free installation which IMO is of a dubiousvalue.And if you review your Network Connections what does that say? and the repair option?Depending what winxp cd you have, have you tried scannow? - see win help(diskchq is only going to test the integrity of your drive)
November 8th, 2009 6:32pm

After I cloned my other drive (which did have some issues but nothing like this), I was able to access everything just fine. At that point, the internet was running, and my computer was running faster. I ran XoftSpy which found only 3 minor issues, which I believe were related to a different toolbar I have never managed to delete, and I don't think were involved. I also ran PC Tools, which didn't find anything, but then again, I am not expecting any viruses because I haven't run this since April, and now that I am running it again, all I did was update Lord of the Rings Online, City of Heroes, Firefox, Windows Xp SP3, and a few other similar things, i never navigated to any pages or downloaded anything or even checked any emails. I do not think this is a virus or malware, since this happened abruptly after trying to update and run Spybot Search and Destroy. On top of that, the entire reason for cloning my old drive is because I recently moved, and have since misplaced my 3 Windows XP CDs, so i can't use them to reinstall, or scan the computer. Further, I don't know which CD belongs with which computer (not sure it matters). I do not know if the google toolbar was there before, but I don't recall having it, and it said specifically "Google Toolbar for IE". I NEVER use IE unless I absolutely have to. I always use Firefox or Safari, which both work fine and don't use that toolbar. SO i assume that if IE didn't include it, something else snuck it in there when I downloaded 8. Either way, I deleted both now, and that problem is gone, but the internet issue is still there so I don't think it is related either. I am running out of patience with this computer and time. I can't afford to upgrade to 7 (and I don't want to yet, not until there is SP1 is out). I have a lot of work to do, and I am tired of messing with this thing to make it work. I built this computer myself, which is why I have no company to call, and it has run perfectly until I started to run out of HDD space a few months ago. I have NEVER run into this kind of issue before, and I still have another pc I built that runs perfectly. Physically nothing is wrong! It is all in the software end (as usual). I don't know why it did this, or how to fix it. Frankly, it is issues like this that continually supports my love for my iMac which has never had a single issue of any sort and i use it for work and gaming all the time. I am going to just start this over again. I am going to go back to my cloned HDD source and start from there again, and update one thing at a time and make sure everything is working as I update them. That way I might avoid this, or at least narrow the problem down to a specific event/program. If I have an issue, I will make a new post somewhere in here, but I hope I don't have to.
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November 8th, 2009 9:10pm

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