NLA sometimes fails to detect network location properly resulting in the public profile being selected while on the intranet

I've seen this problem numerous times and was just able to replicate it this morning.

I was working to fix a offline files sync issue on this machine and configure DirectAccess on this desktop. Once I got the policy applying on the machine I tested DirectAccess and it was working properly by using my cell phones hotspot. Once I was satisfied it was working properly I disconnected from wireless and connected the machine back up to the Intranet via ethernet. After a few moments I had a network connection again. IPConfig reported that the machine was able to get an IP address via DHCP. The DCA agent however was red and reporting problems. I then noticed that under the adapter settings for the NIC it was stuck at "Identifying Network". When I ran wf.msc I could see the public profile was active. I could connect to the majority of Intranet resources I tested including our NLS site. I was however unable to kick off the offline files sync process (I suspect it will not start if it's using the public firewall profile). I was unable to change the profile in use to domain. The only way I could get the machine out of this state was to reboot the machine.

 I tried to install this hotfix but it's already present on the system.

July 8th, 2015 3:07pm

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