NONE of Insert functions work
for the lasty 3 days, When composing emails with windows live on Internet ExplorerNONE of Insert functions (Attachments/Office Docs/ Photos/ From Bing - even Emoticons ) is functionng. Attachments still possible with OUTLook and when I access Windows Live through Firefox full capabilities are there. Was using IE7, upgraded to IE8 yesterday and still happens and yes I have rebootd- several times1 person needs an answerI do too
October 14th, 2010 12:29pm

Ask about accessing Windows Live via browser in the Windows Live Solution Center Hotmail Portal.Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]-------------------------------- a reply helps, please vote it as helpful. If a reply solves the issue, please mark it as an answer.
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October 14th, 2010 2:27pm

Please read my question again. I have no problem accesing my Bell/Windows Live account. I can read, open attachments, download etc from emails I receive. THE PROBLEM is SENDING attachments (I can still send emails) and only with the Internet Explorer Browser (Which I Prefer) The problem does not exist if I access Bell/Windows Live through Firefox or if I use OUtliook.
October 14th, 2010 3:25pm

Brian, although problem is with IE not Windows Live, I followed procedures in and nothing changed.I also see where two more clients have wriiten same complaint in Hotmail Portal TODAY 15 OCTOBER,2010 no answers yet.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 15th, 2010 2:06pm

Brian, although problem is with IE not Windows Live, I followed procedures in and nothing changed.I also see where two more clients have wriiten same complaint in Hotmail Portal TODAY 15 OCTOBER,2010 no answers yet.
October 15th, 2010 2:06pm

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