Need Assistance with Win7 Offline File Sync
We migrated a half dozen user from XP Pro to Win7 as we've replaced equipment. The XP offline file sync to/from the server was flakey, but fixed with the patch, and reliable. I had it set so that offline file sync launched anytime a user logged into or off the network. The Win7 offline sync fails. While the sync icon appears at the very top of the various user's "My Dcuments" tree and each active directory map remains in tact, the sync inconsistently and randomly syncs certain files and folders to the client computers, and ignores others. "Offline Files" are enabled on each computer. We are not seeing sync errors or conflicts. Would it be too much to talk to a real live person?
May 14th, 2010 1:33am

Just so you know, this is a peer support forum. Microsoft may occasionally be listening here, but in this venue it is too much to ask to talk to a live [Microsoft] person. -Noel
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May 15th, 2010 4:53am

Hi John, Can you provide more details on your issue? "Randomly syncs certain files and folders ... ignores others" - Some files in the documents folder are being sync'd? others aren't? - If you force a manual sync, you do not receive errors? - Have you verified the contents on the server side do not match those on the client? - What folders are you redirecting through group policy? Just documents? - What types of files are not being sync'd? - Have you tried disabling antivirus/security suites during your tests?
May 17th, 2010 8:10am

Hi, Is there any error message when trying to sync Offline Files? Kris’s suggestions are worth to perform. You can verify whether there is any group policy about Offline Files on the server side. Also, please temporarily disable firewall and antivirus program for a test. For more information about Offline Files, please refer to the following article: What's New in Offline Files Thanks, Novak
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May 20th, 2010 5:27am

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