Need a solution

Hi, I ran into a Windows 8 problem back in either November or December and which resulted in my computer needing to be factory reset because it was unable to be launched into any of the launch setting being safe mode or normal (for reference I tried system restoring which was unable to be performed because of an unknown error and also tried using windows self repair which also encountered an error, thus the factory reset was the only available options). Once completing the factory reset the problem of the start up was resolved and thus I was happy to see that I was able to use my laptop again. Although just as I though all I had to worry about was that of getting everything back and updating the system so that the error wouldn't occur again, I reached a rather unexpected issue which was that of Windows saying that my serial key was incorrect (Error code: 0xC004C003) which well I was angry about, but ignored until now simply because I was still able to update the system despite the system telling me to activate windows but well over the months a message nearly ever 4 hours interrupted me by changing the current screen to that of your serial key needs to be validated then I hat to wait before it allowed me to continue to the activate windows page found in the 'PC Settings', and well I'm just wondering if you could give me a solution to the issue.

Thanks in advance for all the support you provide. 

January 19th, 2014 6:07am

Check with MS activation support for this :

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January 19th, 2014 7:06am


What's the factory build in system? Windows 7 or Windows 8? I also need to know how did you upgrade your system?

For the error code, it indicates that your system current product key doesn't match the current system.

I doubt whether amavsharma's link is helpful, but just have a try.

January 20th, 2014 4:33am

The laptop came with Windows 8, as to how I upgraded my system, I don't understand what you mean.
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January 22nd, 2014 2:40am


My mean is that the contents of amavsharma's link may be helpful with your problem. For your problem, you can try to reactivate your system by Phone:

1. Win+R, open RUN, then type slui 4

2. Then it would guide you to active your sytem by Phone call.

Please have a try, If problem persists, you can try to contact Microsoft Activation Center to activate your system.

Contact Microsoft Activation Center:

Note: Choose "Contact Micrisoft to help resolve this problem" in the guide interface.

In addition, you also can contact the manufacture of your computer to confirm this events, may be it is helpful to your problem.

January 22nd, 2014 2:50am

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