Need help to enable WLAN Autoconfig.
Hi In short: It seems the "Wireless Autoconfig" service has a dependency on "ndis usermode" which prevents it from starting. I cannot find such a service to enable or start it. Long version: I have a HP Probook 4720s Laptop, Window 7 Professional 64-bit. I acquired a USB dongle from Vodacom (our local VodaPhone supplier) to provide me 3G GPRS connections to the Internet. Their driver installation software failed by rolling back the install at a point when the user interface indicates it is starting services. - I googled Vodaphone support that suggested starting msconfig, stopping all non Microsoft services, reboot and re-install. I tried that, and got same issue. - Then found post on other forum that indicated the issue is a dependency on the "Wireless Zero" service, and I understand from yet more googling this is called "Wireless Autoconfig" in Windows 7. I noticed this service is not started on my computer, and if I try to start, it fails, indicating one of its dependencies does not start. I went to "Computer Management"->"Services", and I noticed 2 dependencies: "Remote procedure Call (RPC)" (I could verify this is started), and also "NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol". I cannot find a such service to check if it started. Even more googling landed me on someone mentioning a device that should exist in device manager, but I also do not see a ndis-like driver in my device manager. I also checked that ndisuio.sys exists in my drivers folder ( link below led me to believe it's related to the above), and if I click on it's properties, it indicates there's no previous versions for it installed that I can roll back to. Although the link contains instructions on replacing that file, I did not try that. I also tried the advice below: I downloaded and installed the registry key. The post advised to check "Extensible Authentication Protocol" - I Cannot find it. The second one, "CNG Key Isolation", existed and could be started. However this did not make the ndis usermode service appear, and I opted for the upgrade install advice. My sysadmin provided me with a Windows 7 64-bit CD, but the install wizard never asks me "which type of install", where I could select "Upgrade". It simply proceeds to start replacing the entire operating system, saying it will place my current operating system in a "Windows.old" folder. - I got scared and cancelled the install when it suddenly started copying files, as it appeared more like a full re-install, than an upgrade or repair. What do I do now? Thanks
May 16th, 2012 7:14am

Hi, Based on my research, WLAN Autoconfig Service depends on Extensible Authentication Protocol Service. Please double check it again if it exists in Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Services. If it does not exist, Im afraid that you have to perform an In-place Upgrade or reinstall your system. However, based on your description, I suggest checking the edition of Windows 7 Installation disk first, you can ask your system administrator; if Windows 7 on your computer comes from OEM, please contact the corresponding support. Hope this helps. Jeremy Wu TechNet Community Support
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May 17th, 2012 5:32am

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