Need help with a remote connection from a machine running VISTA to a machine running XP
I am trying to gain remote access to a computer running Windows XP from a computer running VISTA. I have 2 issues: Searching the Microsoft site, i cannot find a client for VISTA. it was recommended to me that i use the Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP. The download page says that this client is only supported by XP SP2, but the description refers to use with VISTA. (1) IS THIS THE PROPER CLIENT FOR VISTA? If not, what should I use? I downloaded and attempted to install this client on the VISTA syatem. after completing OS validation, i downloaded the client with no problems. When i run the installer, I get dialog boxes that read something like, "Not enough storage is available to complete..." and a notice that the installation was not successful. (2) WHATMIGHT BE CAUSING THIS PROBLEM? Thank you in advance for your help.
March 3rd, 2008 7:28pm

Hi mrroboto, By default, the Version of Remote Desktop Connection for Windows Vista is already 6.0, thus, you do not need to install the update version on the Windows Vista machine. You can verify the version by checking the properties of the mstsc.exe file, which is stored in system32 folder.
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March 6th, 2008 8:52am

Can you use remote connection from XP to vista? My mom has vista now and I have xp still. Can I offer her remote assitance still?
September 8th, 2008 1:16pm

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