Need to delete ANTIVIR program.
I accidentally downloaded ANTIVIR to my computer and I can't seem to delete it. It does not show up in the Add/Remove programs list. I can find it in C:\Program File, but it will not delete. It pops up all the time, telling me that my computer is infected with all sort of security risks. I have Norton antivirus already, it says no problems-all problems have been resolved.How do I delete the ANTIVIR program???1 person needs an answerI do too
December 13th, 2009 12:34am

Hi Snapper,first of please tell us what security programs (other than the Norton Antivirus,)you have on your pc.You pc is infected,this link provides removal instructions.This is also very good to have handy After you are done,please make sure to delete All System Restore points on your pc,as they are all likely corrupted by now,and need to be deleted. can give you instructions for that later.Do come back and let us know how it went.Good luck.
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December 13th, 2009 4:32pm

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