Network drive issues: Vista and 7
I've asked this question before but gotten no response. It is becoming more of a problem so I'm trying again. I don't see how I could be the only one having this issue... We're on a Windows Server 2003 network under a Windows domain. All users have a "home" drive mapped to a private network share, called their R: drive. In addition, students have folder redirection implemented via GPO so that both their desktop and their "My Documents" folder are redirected to their R: drive. Under Windows XP it all works great. But under Vista and 7, students are not allowed to save to their R: drive. A couple of examples: (1) in Windows Explorer, right-click on the R: drive; no "New" option in the context menu! (2) Run WordPad, type something, then try to save it to the R: drive; "You can't save here. Please choose another location." error message. (No such error under Windows XP; you can save there just fine.) However, I've discovered that if I create a subfolder on the R: drive (using Windows XP, since I can't do so under Windows 7), files can be saved there. So that's a workaround. Another workaround is to save to the "Documents" folder, which is (due to folder redirection) the same location as R:. Under Microsoft Office Word 2003, it gets even more complicated. First, the "Documents" folder is not visible in Word 2003 under Windows 7, so that workaround is not available. Second, if you try to save a document in the R: drive, it appears to work. But that file is not available on any other computer. In other words, it didn't really save it there! On closer inspection, it turns out the file is marked "offline" (for no reason that I can determine). Furthermore, under Word 2003, if I attempt to save to the subfolder on R: (which worked above in WordPad), the same thing happens--it appears to save but is once again "offline" and not accessible from any other computer. Which means that workaround doesn't work either! Any ideas why Windows 7 (and Vista) prohibit saving to the R: drive??!? And why Word 2003 can't see the "Documents" folder? Any help would be greatly appreciated! - JR
December 15th, 2009 5:52pm

How are you redirecting in Win7? You shouldn't need a GPO, or at least, the same GPO under winXP/Vista won't work with 7. In win7, you need to add the R drive into the documents into the Documents Library. I don't have a current domain to test or give more specifics, but I would annotate your search for an answer to this around how to configure win7 Libraries with GPO , not "folder redirection" which was nixed with vista/win7. It might yield more fruitful results.
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December 16th, 2009 6:06am

Thanks for the response--I'm finally getting somewhere! I didn't know folder redirection was nixed for Vista and forward. It does work but obviously not properly. - JR
December 16th, 2009 6:22pm

Awesome! If you open up your libraries and go into each one - say "documents" on windows 7 you should look near the top at the "locations" link. That will bring up a dialog box where you can add locations, being the R drive. In the add location dialog, you can use the "scroll" on the left and choose "network" and add the drive through there. Now the question is how to do this via group policy. The above can be used on an individual basis and maybe through a "how to" for your users so they can do it themselves. I don't have a domain here at home and am currently unemployed so have no domain I can work with. I would love to know the final resolution with group policy if you figure it out, so please let me know how it turns out. Thanks! Jen
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December 16th, 2009 6:28pm

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