Network host name failed after amount of time
Ok, I've got a fairly interesting one for you guys. I'm running Windows 7 64 on 2 computers, a pc (Ultimate) and my laptop (Home). I had them both configured for both homegroup and normal network sharing and it worked for months. These past couple of weeks, my laptop has decided to occassionally stop recognizing my pc by host name. I can still access all of the shared content by connecting to the pc's IP address, but it will not see it's hostname. Pings sent to the hostname will not find the path, but to the ip will work just fine with standard response times. The first time this occurred I thought it was just simply an error somewhere and restarted the laptop. This fixed it for a while, but the problem came back after a certain amount of time (unsure how long exactly, which makes recreating the situation difficult). Seeing as it seemed to fail after an amount of time, I thought the DNS had somehow become corrupted and flushed it in cmd. Didn't fix the problem. The odd thing is that there is another computer on the same network and homegroup. There are times when I can connect to it, but not my pc. There are also times when both respond with the "network path not found". The other computer can see my pc, and my pc can see the other computer, but the connection between my pc and laptop seems to be the problem. I confirmed the last time it happened that my pc also cannot see my laptop by hostname when this happens. I don't believe I have changed anything regarding the network configuration when this started happening. I'm not sure if it is related or not (or if it a new "feature" in Windows 7) but whenever I transfer files, the network between the two computers becomes maxed out. In XP, I used to be able to transfer files and watch video streaming from the same computer at the same time with no problem. That is an impossibility now. Whenever I transfer files between the two, it takes seconds to even update explorer when browsing through folders on the other computer through the network. If that is a "feature" is there any way to lessen that? I'm unsure how to properly fix the problem. It seems to be able to read the IP addresses fine, but not the hostnames, but flushing the DNS doesn't solve it (neither does resetting the router or changing router settings) Any help would be greatly appreciated. ~Nahash~
May 1st, 2010 8:03am

Just as basic info - how are you connecting the machines? Via wired switch? Wireless? Do you have a DNS server of some kind internally?-B- Author: The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook
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May 9th, 2010 10:00am

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