Network issues
From what I've been reading there are may people with the same network problems. I think someone at MS needs to take a detailed look at whats going on. KB920698 looks to be the fix but it's not supported on 5384? My surfing is flakey, for that matter if you really start digging around I think you'll all find the network connections are a little flakey. I have the same static IP as I did last night but yet this morning if I look at it's details via the GUI "use the following" is checked off but the octets are empty buta cmd show the correct info. The bottome line is MS please fix these issue so we can continue to beta test the product. It's getting to the point where I'm just going to nuke the drive and install my favorite flavor of..................
August 26th, 2006 6:03pm

Thank you comment. Please report the bug to MS by using the Microsoft beta client.
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August 28th, 2006 7:14pm

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