Network sharing
Hello, Public sharing to everyone is accessible to another Windows 7 PC, but not even the computer in Network neighborhood can be opened by Windows XP computers, gives Not accessible, or not enough memory, or other strange not related error messages. But the strangest, is that when I boot the sharing Windows 7 computer, the first few minutes, everything is accessible from other Windows computer, and then, errors... Any ideas ?
May 7th, 2009 5:48am

My network XP computer shows Windows 7 PC, but cannot access. But Windows 7 PC can access XP computer and transfer files. I cannot find a fix.Advice welcolmed.
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May 7th, 2009 9:53am

Addendum: Found the culprit, it was Trend Micro Security Agent, for which I had to download the latest engine patch, 8.950. Windows was blocking the previous driver and making the firewall go crazy. All is well in Windows 7 world now :)
May 8th, 2009 6:28pm

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