Network sharing Problem
Hi all, I just have a problem in my network. My network is a domain with some Windows 2008 R2 Server english. I have one file server with some share. I have classroom, with in eatch classroom 25 computer Windows 7 x64 german. Problem: The teacher put a file on a share for the student. But some times, 1 or 2 time in a week, one student on one computer don't see the file on the share. He need to reboot the computer and after the reboot he see the file. - Problem occured not all the time on the same computer but on time on the PC A, and afte on the PC H and after on the PC X. - Problem occured not all the time with the same user, is always a other student. - When the problem occured and I try with a command line to see the file, the file is missing too. - I see to day the problem and I disconnected the share and reconnected him. After that I see the file on my share, also I don't need to reboot the computer - I search in the Network and sharing center --> no success Has some one a idee? Thanks
March 22nd, 2012 11:20am

1. GPO Wait for network may help. 2. I used script with explorer \\server\share in it and shortcut on the desktop. After student get/put the needed file from/to they close the Windows Explorer. This has helped me in system management. 3. It depends on how you establish the share (permanent parameter or not permanent) and grace disconnect at the computer shutdown. I used logon and logoff scriptes in GPO. From the tested possibilities only the second with explorer script has been flawless. It worked even for subdirectory: explorer \\server\share\subdirectory Regards Milos.
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March 25th, 2012 5:15am

Is the server registered/licensed. This could be licensing issue, where only certain number of computers could connect and by the time you reboot someone else has diconnected and you are allowed to establish connection.
March 25th, 2012 7:28am

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