Networking is working while the browsers are dead.
I am expecting a strane behaviour of browsers at my Lenovo laptopAt random ocations the browsers (IE and Firefox) display the following messages "Inernet explorer cannot display the webpage" and, for Firefox, a similar message.Some details- the issue is experienced randomly. Restart of the system resolves (which is infuriating). Sometimes the issue resolves itself after a random time.- I am using wireless, but the issue appears at different locations. So there is no connection to the wireless router- ping to different URLs is working, nslookup is ok- Some appliactions that were connected before the issue occured keep working (skype, online gaming)- Vista firewall is on, no third party firerwall (turning it off does not resolve)- Virus scanner is on (AVG, turning off does not resolve)- The computer connected via Ethernet and connection sharing to the computer which is experiencing the issue is working perfectly normally- Turning autotuning of TCP off does not resolve- The issue is beeing experienced since first instalation of Vista (since ca. 1 year). The system was reinstalled during the time, which did not resolved.
June 9th, 2008 12:46am

Hi, I would like to confirm if the issue only occurs while the Windows Vista machine using wireless connection. In addition, please perform the Step 1 and Step 2 in the following KB article to troubleshoot the issue: How to troubleshoot compatibility problems that affect Internet Explorer 7 in Windows Vista Hope it helps.
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June 11th, 2008 6:11am

1) I cannot confirm if it is related to wireless only - I use wireless only. If the issue will strike again while I will be in range of a Ethernet - I'll try to connect and check.2) It is impossible. The issue strikes randomly, and reboot resolves. So I have to chioces - either to use safe/clean mode only - which is impossible, as I need to work. Af if the issue wont appear - It won't give any assurance that safe/clean mode realy resolved. Other option is to boot to safe/clean mode after the issue appears. But rebooting resolves.
June 12th, 2008 12:26am

Gregor PL wrote: I am expecting a strane behaviour of browsers at my Lenovo laptopAt random ocations the browsers (IE and Firefox) display the following messages "Inernet explorer cannot display the webpage" and, for Firefox, a similar message.Some details- the issue is experienced randomly. Restart of the system resolves (which is infuriating). Sometimes the issue resolves itself after a random time.- I am using wireless, but the issue appears at different locations. So there is no connection to the wireless router- ping to different URLs is working, nslookup is ok- Some appliactions that were connected before the issue occured keep working (skype, online gaming)- Vista firewall is on, no third party firerwall (turning it off does not resolve)- Virus scanner is on (AVG, turning off does not resolve)- The computer connected via Ethernet and connection sharing to the computer which is experiencing the issue is working perfectly normally- Turning autotuning of TCP off does not resolve- The issue is beeing experienced since first instalation of Vista (since ca. 1 year). The system was reinstalled during the time, which did not resolved. Hi, I had been experiencing the same problems for my vista home edition(Acer). - It occur only to wireless. Wireless show no connection to router, yet im able to ping any of the websites with replies. Existing program still work, eg msn. I able to chat with my friends but open any IE, will show the error "internet explorer cannot display the page" - Sometime my wireless showing connected to router, but yet there are no ip address grab from the router. Ping to the router or any other sites, there are no connections. So its weird that my wireless connection show "Connected" The issueswere intermitten. Hope someone can clear the doubts, thanks.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 12th, 2008 7:14pm

Hi, Please reset Internet Explorer and perform a clean boot on the Windows Vista machine, and then monitor to check if the issue will reoccur. How to use Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES) How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista Hope it helps.
June 13th, 2008 9:25am

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