New Win7 Account transfered via Easy Transfer can not save files anywhere
New Win7 computer with Office 2010, Transfered XP admin account w/ Office 2007 via Easy Transfer: Everything was ok until I tried to save any Office file (ppt.,doc,...) This is the only account on this system and is an Admin. When I try to save a file I get (do not have permission to save in this location) this is also for network shares besides the local C: drive. I first lowered the UAC to low It did allow me to save. Now it doesn't even allow that??. Any ideas would be of great help.
March 3rd, 2011 10:21pm

You might have to "take ownership" of the entire folder that was imported in Easy Transfer. Logged in as the user on the workstation (which you've said is an administrator) go to C:\users\, and locate the particular user profile directory that you need to take ownership of Right click on it and select properties Select the Security Tab Click the Advanced Button Click the Owner tab Look in the field that says current owner, and make sure it says the account you want in there. If it lists a Security Identifier or SID (randomly generated set of numbers , kinda looks like a guid) then the folder is retaining the ownership of the previous computer account that you imported from. Click the EDIT button at the bottom. Click the other users and groups button, type in your account name that you want to be the owner and confirm the dialog. Make sure you check the box that says replace the owner on this folder and all its child objects, and then click OK on that dialg box. You'll see a screen come up that looks like an animation of moving or changing files. When that's finished. Confirm or click OK on all the other dialog boxes. You should now be the owner of this profile folder and you should not have a problem saving to the locations that you need to inside the documents folder. r/ johnJohn Wildes | Senior Enterprise Architect | United Airlines | Desktop Engineering
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March 5th, 2011 8:42am

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