No Adminpak.msi?...Enough is Enough!
This is the second time MS has released a new OS without creating proper tools for sysadmins to use in evaluating it (they did it with XP too). If sysadmins can't run Vista and manage their domains then they can not approve a roll out of Vista to their users. This slows down the process for everyone and I am outraged that this was allowed to happen for a second time. I am not willing to simply accept the "tough luck" responses given by MS sales reps. I am paying nearly 2 million dollars for an enterprise agreement and can't manage my enterprise with their "best" OS. I want to know who is responsible for this decision. If there is any justice in the world you can also tell me where they are working today? This was truly a monumentally stupid decision and as far as I am concerned I will not even begin to approve Vista in my enterprise until a fully functional AdminPak is made available for all sysadmins.
February 11th, 2007 5:18am

I'm with you. I use these tools every day, and I would really like to see a more Vista friendly tool. The current version just doesn't work correctly. The Terminal Services Manager just crashes with this error... ---------------------------------------- Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: tsadmin.exe Application Version: 5.2.3790.1830 Application Timestamp: 42435afd Fault Module Name: tsadmin.exe Fault Module Version: 5.2.3790.1830 Fault Module Timestamp: 42435afd Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 00025f17 OS Version: 6.0.6000. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: a120 Additional Information 2: 978273cd0d502851dba58c650e3e3990 Additional Information 3: 75bf Additional Information 4: adcc27a14726103a3030be833cd81aa5 ---------------------------- You can click the check online for a solution option, but that just makes the crash window close. The icons in the AD Users/Computers tool are all the same, and the folders disappear after clicking on them (same with the dssite.msc snapin..). Honestly, please give us a working set of tools. I like Vista, I like how it functions, but I need these tools to work.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 20th, 2007 2:52am

I agree with you guys! I've been fighting to get this installed on my PC at work ( running at home with no problems ) and finally my boss agreed I can test it They are talking about looking at a opensource desktop OS - how can I tell them VISTA is the way to go when I can't even load the tools the Server Team uses every day!?!? The slow / freezing copy from network is crazy too! Also - has anyone made their standard network user account local admin then tried doing "run as..." ? the UAC just goes to "Continue" but this means if I'm trying to run a network admin program (AD Management) I can't put in my Domain Admin account details. I've had to remove my standard network account from Local Admins Group Matt MC
February 23rd, 2007 8:42pm

I'm running it at work. Have you tried this KB from MS:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 30th, 2007 1:14pm

Hi, this is not really a solution, there aretoo many exceptions mentioned. regards Anthony
April 4th, 2007 11:58am

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