No Wireless Connection with Second Profile :S
I'm having an interesting problem with connecting a second profile wirelessly on my PC. Everything is fine with my primary profile account. I have set that up to be an Admin and all devices are installed fine. The connection to my wireless network works pretty good though it does drop for no apparent reason and tells me that the wireless router has no signal even though it sees it. Now, when I created a secondary account and set it to limited permissions, it won't connect to my wireless network. I thought this was caused by the account type and switched it to Admin. Still no luck. It sees the wireless router as a possible connection but states that it has no signal. For the life of me I can't see why this is happening. I can quickly switch back to my primary account and see that its still sees the wireless router and back again where its still not working. Anyone else have this issue? Its very strange.
June 16th, 2006 11:43pm

I know it's been a while since you posted, but I've been having a similar problem with my laptop. I have 2 profiles set on it (both are wide open - Admin). I can log in with one when I boot up, surf the net fine, but when I change profiles to my second one; I have no connection (the laptop shows me that I have a signal, etc., but I cannot connect to any websites). I've found that rebooting and starting the other profile will allow that user to access the network, but it's very annoying to have to reboot each time. Did you ever get any help for your problem?
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June 27th, 2009 11:14pm

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