No internet connection on domain
I am just in the process of putting our first Windows 7 Pro machine onto our network. There has been no issue with connecting to the domain, and all folder and file browsing is fine. The issue comes when trying to open a web page (, and the system requests a username and password for connecting to our proxy server. I have tried all variations on the username / password to no effect. Whichever variation I use the request disappears after 3 attempts and still doesn't show a web page. I can ping the proxy IP address from this machine with no problems either. Would appreciate an update if anybody has experienced this before. Thanks in advance
October 1st, 2010 5:53am

If your proxy server is prompting for credentials, its sounds like the proxy server is unable to authenticate the user based on the credentials sent to the proxy server from the computer. Does this only happen when you try to visit this one web page? Have you tried to bypass the proxy and go through the firewall to get to this site? Any errors in the proxy server logs? Have you checked with the proxy vendor's support? If this is an MS proxy solution, you should try on one of the forum categories here: Visit:, an IT Knowledge Base.
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October 1st, 2010 9:51am

Which proxy server are you using? How does it work if you disable firewall in Windows 7? Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
October 4th, 2010 5:03am

Thanks for the reply. Have been away for a couple of days. Hopefully will be able to try connecting with Win7 firewall disabled tomorrow, but think that I have already tried this. I know that I need to update our Sophos Enterprise package (on a different network server) to enable this machine for automatic updates, but cannot see why this should affect access. Out of interest we route all internet traffic through Scansafe, but this intially goes through our internal proxy server running SBS 2003. All WinXp machines set up to this proxy server have no issues at all. Cheers
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October 5th, 2010 10:59am

I just suspect that Windows 7 clients cannot pass the Scansafe because of some reasons. How does it work if you disable it?Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
October 7th, 2010 1:57am

Haven't had chance to test at the moment, although if I disable the proxy server on our other XP machines, we get no internet access at all. I feel that there may be some conflict between Win7 and SBS2003, although will also need to check out our Cisco ASA5500 to see if any conflicts there. Cheers
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October 8th, 2010 4:13am

If you disable the proxy settings on the client, most likely you would not be able to browse the internet because its being blocked at the firewall. The typical firewall rule would be to only allow the proxy server(s) to get through the firewall and block all other internal IPs. That is how you force the clients to use proxy. otherwise, everyone (with some basic info) will simply disable proxy settings and get to any site they wish to visit. I think you need to step back and do some more troubleshooting and log analysis (proxy and firewall). Visit:, an IT Knowledge Base.
October 8th, 2010 1:52pm

Many thanks for your thoughts JM. Along the same lines as I was thinking, where internet access would not be granted if proxy settings disabled on client. How would I go about log analysis on proxy / firewall. Proxy server is running SBS2003 and firewall is Cisco ASA5505. Cheers
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October 12th, 2010 5:29am

Have tried getting internet access, with windows firewall disabled but still no go. Have also checked proxy server which is seeing the client login (event viewer) although is showing as anonymous login. Could this be a reason why I am getting no website displayed. Some more gems of information - on the client I have IPv6 disabled and IPv4 configured exactly the same as our XP machines, proxy server is running SBS2003 whilst main network server is running SBS2008. The client connects through 2008 which bypasses the internet proxy to the 2003 server. Hope this information will give some clues, as now getting quite frustrated and the new machine is ready to deploy barring interent access. Thanks in advance
October 12th, 2010 7:22am

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