No security and sharing option
Hi, can anyone tell me how to fix a problem with my win xp puter? Ive recently put sp3 on it but Im not able to say the problem started after sp3 was installed. When I right click my "C" or "D" drive there is no option to share my drives. The C drive is shared and is available to the network of other xp and one win7 puter. The normal hand icon is visible on the drive icon also. I now want to share my D drive. I have been able to only by using net share command, but this too has a problem. When I look at the d drive on the network all folders on the drive are visible in the network tree. If I click on a folder on D drive I have access denied. If I then share all folders on D drive seperately they are all accessable and useable. Trouble with this is I now have a double list in my network tree of this computer, ONE BIG MESS. I am only an average puter user with what now is obviously average network knowledge, bu can anyone tell me how to restore my sharing menu item?? please I dont want to reinstall windows over this issue Thanks in advance1 person needs an answerI do too
March 4th, 2010 2:36am

Hi, Sounds like this is too hard, guess if microsoft dont know then what hope do I have?
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March 10th, 2010 1:48am

Hi,Sounds like this is too hard, guess if microsoft dont know then what hope do I have? Are you logged in with an account that has administrator privileges? -B- Author: The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook
March 10th, 2010 2:21am

Is this Windows XP Home or Professional?-B- Author: The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 10th, 2010 2:24am

Hi, thanks for your help, The machine in question is a winxp home sp3 which is used on a network with 3 other xp home machines and one win7. I am logged onto this machine as administrator, and the only other a/c which is guest is turned off. I can use the network on this machine by using net commands so the network is usable. this machine is the only xp which doesnt have a menu item for sharing and security when right clicking a drive. The menu item is there for folders on all machines. As well this machine does not have either a security tab or sharing tab in properties for a drive. A little while ago I was advised to install SCESP41.exe which immediately gave me back a security tab (when viewing folder and drive properties) Still no right click menu item though. The security tab allowed me to access permissions which I found very complex and after reading warnings on the net I decided to leave them well alone. Two days ago someone on another forum suggested I add the following to my registry. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\Sharing] @="{f81e9010-6ea4-11ce-a7ff-00aa003ca9f6}" Immediately upon adding this entry to my registry i Had a tab (in properties) for sharing, amazing. I dont know who can understand the gobbeldygook in the registry entry above but all I can say is there are some people that are remarkable. Even though I still dont have my right click menu item, the two work arounds above have made my machine almost the same as the others. What I cant understand about this although minor issue is that there are hundreds of thousands of google entries with people with similar problems, I would have thought that fixes would abound???? Once again thank you for your help.
March 11th, 2010 5:30am

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