Not accessing the internet
My network is running and working, connected to the internet. But my computers isn't connecting to thing internet, it's connecting to the network though. when ever i troubleshoot the problem it either doesn't work or it goes to a blue screen and restarts. Thanks.
October 11th, 2008 8:47pm

Hi Josh, This is a blue screen issue or stop error issue. Since Windows system uses separated user mode and kernel mode memory space, stop errors are always caused by kernel portion components, such as a third-party device drivers, backup software or anti-virus services (buggy services). The system goes to a blue screen because there is some exceptions happened in the kernel (either the device driver errors or the service errors), and Windows implements this mechanism: When it detects some errors occur in the kernel, it will kill the box in case some more severe damage happens. Then we get a blue screen or the system reboots (it depends on what the system settings are). To troubleshoot this kind of kernel crash issue, we need to debug the crashed system dump. Unfortunately, debugging is beyond what we can do in the forum. A suggestion would be to contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) via telephone so that a dedicated Support Professional can assist with your request. Please be advised that contacting phone support will be a charged call. To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the web site listed below:;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS If you are outside the US please see for regional support phone numbers. Having said that, I'd still like to provide the following general troubleshooting steps to see if we can eliminate this problem: Note: Please perform a complete system backup first. If any unexpected issue occurs, we can quickly restore the system to the current status. Step1 ========= This behavior may be caused by the network adapter driver that may be corrupt or not compatible with Windows Vista. Please upgrade the network adapter driver. 1. Download the latest adapter driver from the following website. 2. Click Start. In the Start Search box type "devmgmt.msc" and press Enter. 3. Expand "Network Adapters", double-click on the entry of the wireless network device. 4. Click the tab "Driver", click "Uninstall". 5. Click Start. In the Start Search box type "appwiz.cpl" and press Enter. 6. Remove the entries related to the wireless network adapter. 7. Install the latest driver. If the issue reoccurs, go to Step2. Step2 ========= This issue can also be caused by software confliction. I suggest that you disable the anti-virus temporary and monitor the issue. If the issue persists, restart Windows in Clean Boot mode Note: You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to complete this procedure. 1) Click Start. 2) Copy and paste "msconfig" (without the quotation marks) in the Start Search box, and click Enter. 3) Switch to Services tab and then Check Hide All Microsoft Services. 4) Click Disable All. 5) Switch to the Startup tab and then Click Disable all. 6) Click OK. 7) Click Restart to restart the computer and test the issue. If the issue disappears in the Clean Boot environment, we can use a 50/50 approach to quickly narrow down which entry is causing the issue. However, after you monitor the issue, if it still occurs, please contact Microsoft Customer Support Service (CSS) for further troubleshooting. I hope the problem will be resolved soon. Thanks!
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October 14th, 2008 9:39am

Thank you that really helped
October 14th, 2008 3:18pm

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