Notepad find and replace bug
Notepad Replace feature (Edit > Replace, Ctrl+H) will not replace matches if followed by e.g. a "y" character. This was tested on Windows 7 Professional SP1 (Build 7601) and Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Build 7601). E.g. try to replace test with 1 in the below text in Notepad: testx testy testz Expected result: 1x 1y 1z Result (either with Replace or Replace All): 1x testy 1z Second test, replace tes with 1: tesx tesy tesz Expected result: 1x 1y 1z Result (either with Replace or Replace All): 1x 1y tesz Third test, replace properl with 1: this is properly written in English Expected result: this is 1y written in English Result (either with Replace or Replace All): this is properly written in English This seems to be a collation-related issue. It appears that Hungarian multigraphs (dz, dzs, ny, ly, ty, sz etc.) can't be split by Notepad. This appears to come up if Hungarian keyboard layout is installed. It can't be circumvented by switching the input language to English. (If the language is set to EN on the Language Bar, Notepad resets it to the default HU on its startup. After manually reverting to EN on Language Bar, Notepad sets it back to HU again on opening the Replace window. Then even against reverting manually to EN the second time, this replace issue will still arise.) The problem apparently persists even if English is set as the default language, when Hungarian is also installed.
June 30th, 2012 3:34pm

Works as it should on Win7 HP 32-bit SP1 (Build 7601). Are you sure you don't have something else installed that may be interfering with it (can't think of what may do that, though). SC Tom
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June 30th, 2012 4:35pm

Hi, Thanks for checking it. Meanwhile some further tests showed that this may be related to Hungarian language input being installed, so I also updated the original post. I think that users are meant to be able to circumvent this issue by switching the language to EN - if multigraph recognition should be in Notepad at all, as many people use Notepad to edit technical text such as batch files.
June 30th, 2012 5:03pm

Hi, Thanks for checking it. Meanwhile some further tests showed that this may be related to Hungarian language input being installed, so I also updated the original post. I think that users are meant to be able to circumvent this issue by switching the language to EN - if multigraph recognition should be in Notepad at all, as many people use Notepad to edit technical text such as batch files.
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June 30th, 2012 5:03pm

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