Null value not flowing from fimportal to MV
I have a date attribute in FIMportal. In sync engine FIMMA, I have direct import flow (no export flow) from Datasource to MV Attribute. There is no option to select null. In MV designer, configure flow precendence rule, FIMMA is given equal precedence for this attribute as it is the only flow. There is no other connector for this attribute. How to flow the data to MV if the attribute value changes to null in fimportal. Please help!
March 4th, 2015 3:08pm

I have learned from a couple of such situations that null value would flow only when there was any value before. So please try fill this attribute with any value, do import and sync steps and then delete value from attribute and fire import and sync once more.

Generally for other management agents you can do it by rules extensions - then select one attribute that is always filled with any value as a helper (to make sure rules extension would be fired).

For FIM MA extensions are not available, so here you cannot use this workaround.

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March 4th, 2015 3:40pm


beside Dominiks answer, you do not have to set "equal precedence" if the attribute does only have 1 Import flow.


March 5th, 2015 3:16am

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