Nvidia GeForce Go7950GTX - problems anyone?
Today 19th Feb. Windows Update downloaded and installed a newer driver for the Nvidia GeForce Go7950GTX (Pre-release - WDDM 1.0) - Driver Version Since this install, the computer will not wake from Sleep, the HDD is active but the screen remains Black Prior to this update everything worked fine. I am therefore rolling back this driver to the previous version - Incidentally, this driver update is NOT shown in the list "uninstall an update" but when you look at the driver in Device Manager it says that it was installed today!Has anyone else suffered from this update today?
March 9th, 2009 3:52pm

All drivers available from either the Windows Update or the NVIDIA site for Windows 7 are beta drivers. As such, using beta drivers on a beta OS could create hard to isolate issues. Stick with the tested, production driversat least until the RC comes out.
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March 23rd, 2009 4:48am

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