OCS and automatic sign in


Does anyone know of a way to make a OCS user sign in to OCS programmatically....if they are logged on to their PC but not signed in...i.e. without physically asking them to do it.  We have a network issues which cause some users OCS to drop periodically.  When they restart their PC they are automatically signed in again...but until they do this they appear signed out.  I am looking for a way to silently have a user sign in. 

Obviously I could contact the user and ask them to do this but this is an issue as we have multiple users and the network issues are frequent.

If there is code or an application that does this...please let me know.


June 5th, 2015 5:25am

I always thought the MOC client retried sign-in if the network dropped. If this isn't the case, I am not sure what options there are. You could take a look at the client SDK for example https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=10176, but I think it relies on the client being signed in and doesn't directly control MOC, rather it's used to build apps off of it.

How long are these network drops?

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June 5th, 2015 1:52pm

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