Offline Files - Configure via command line
Hi all, We have the need to make certain UNC paths available offline for users of all machines in a particular OU. I have setup the "Administrativley assigned offline files" (Excuse the spelling) in group policy as a computer policy (Computer Accounts are in this OU not user accounts) This does not appear to be doing anything. Offline diles is running but there are no locations configured. The user can manually set the UNC path to be available offline but thats not good enough for us. I have read an article about using a VBScript called CSCSYNC ( I have correctly run the script and get a message saying "DONE" but again there is nothing configured to be made available offline. I have restarted the Offline Files service with no luck. I am at a loss here. Any ideas? Thanks Mike
May 12th, 2008 7:13pm

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